Richie (+ Mel) Hoch



  • Maternal Cousins of the groom, Patrick, Richie is the son of Tia Char + Uncle Rick

  • Richie + Mel live in Vero Beach, Florida , about an hour +


    outside Orlando

  • Politics?

    Middle of the Road

  • Religious?

    Just be a good person and keep an open mind.

  •  They will be bringing their adorable baby girl, Elena, with them….they also have

    2 dogs (pitbull - Minnie and a pointer/whippet mix - Zeke) and 3 cats (Macie, Ace, & Yoda).

  • A topic you love to talk to anyone about?

    Rugby, CrossFit, traveling, and gross nursing stuff (Mel got STORIES!)

A little more about about Mel

Mel is a Wisconsin-ite at heart (born & raised for 25 years), but she fell in love with Florida and being near the ocean (after attending college there/siting there?). She loves biology & nursing, sports, weight lifting, concerts (remember CONCERTS?!), CHRISTMAS, and traveling. This girl will do any trip or vacation as long as it is on water or anything outdoors. Some of her favorite previous trips include Galapagos, Aruba, Norway, and a rafting trip through the Grand Canyon.

Mel is also a Newly Wed, getting married on Thanksgiving 2018 and is a new mom as of August 2019. She also has FIVE pets, all rescues - including her husband too. Go Packers! (The Bears still suck)

+ Richie…

RIchie was born and raised in Florida and spent almost every Spring Break (and most major holidays) growing up with the O’Donnell brothers. By day, Richie is an IT wizard working for/as a ____, and in his spare time he is a weekend warrior for Rugby, CrossFit and COSPLAY. Fun facts, that is how Mel and he met — at a ComicCon/through Cosplay. Richie loves (DC? Marvel?), he is besties with his sister Michal, and also loves to travel (especially with Mel), and now is a PROUD POPPA of gorgeous, little Elena.



Ambar Robinson (+ Doug Rainey)


Rikiesha Metzger