Patrick + Nacho met online in the Summer of 2018. Patrick opened the conversation by asking Nacho about horror movies. This led to an email exchange, a text exchange, a phone call, + finally a first date involving Indian food + a concert featuring a dozen electronica + heavy metal bands playing soundtracks from video games. Several dates + two weeks later, Patrick asked Nacho to be his girlfriend, + they have been inseparable ever since. 

A WARM set of Holidays
In November 2018, Nacho met Patrick's family for the first time when the two went to Florida for Patrick's cousin's wedding, where her warmth + personality quickly led to her being accepted as part of the O'Donnell/Alaimo family (for better or worse.)   In January 2019, Patrick flew to Arizona to meet Nacho, who introduced him to her familia + showed him all around her home state with an expertly curated itinerary. They roamed from the desert to the mountains to the southern ring of the Grand Canyon, stopping for pictures, hikes, + wine tours along the way. 

BEST Birthday in Baltimore
By the time they had returned to Baltimore later that month, Patrick + Nacho had already had several discussions about their future. They were both finishing their academic programs, + it was not at all clear that they would both able to remain in Baltimore. Patrick decided to put a ring on it. He proposed to Nacho on her birthday, February 10, with a solid black titanium engagement ring. (That way, he figured, he could get away with just getting Nacho one present, + he would only have to remember one date for her birthday + their anniversary. Genius!)  

We both got ONE DEGREE hotter
Engaged super genius man Patrick defended his dissertation in philosophy at Johns Hopkins University just four days later on February 14, 2019. Soon Nacho had also completed the requirements for her Masters degree in Community Art at the Maryland Institute College of Art: she finished her teaching responsibilities for her after-school art program, wrote a 40-page thesis, + installed + defended a culminating art exhibition consisting of original work by herself + her students, all within a few months. This allowed them to celebrate their graduation ceremonies within a few days of each other in May 2019. (Nacho's ceremony was much more fun!) 

LEARNING to be in different cities
This was an exciting but stressful time. Nacho + Patrick had both been on the academic job market since Fall 2018, + in Spring 2019, their prospects were uncertain. In April 2019 Nacho secured a full-time job teaching art at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, while Patrick--after sending out nearly 100 applications + sitting for a dozen interviews-- secured a tenure-track job teaching philosophy at Oakton Community College outside Chicago in June 2019. After spending the summer in Baltimore, Nacho moved to Philadelphia + Patrick moved to Chicago in August 2019. While they see each other in person as much as they can, most of their interaction occurs via phone, text, or video chat. They are currently formulating + working on plans to live in the same city in a way that allows them both to pursue the lives + careers that matter to them.    

In short, while Nacho + Patrick's relationship is young, it is wise beyond its years. It has been full of the best things, + it has also been tested by the uncertainties, anxieties, + disappointments of everyday life. It is thus with full recognizance of the joys, sorrows, +  horrors of life + love that we hereby commit ourselves to one another.... til undeath.





